Monday, September 6, 2010

Recurring dreams ( relation with past life)

Recurring dreams are those which are repeated with little variation, either in the story

itself, or in the subject they touch. Recurrent dreams may be positive, but usually it's

nightmares, and may resort because the conflict is embodied in this dream remains unresolved

or outright ignored. In fact, once we find the reason for these dreams and resolve the

problem that produces them, these dreams usually disappear.

As we know, the vast majority of the dreams we hold messages that help us get to know us and

show us something about ourselves, although we often forget what we have dreamed of because

of our daily routine, a bad wake, etc. .

When we talk about recurring dreams, this message may be mentioned as important or powerful

does not want to forget, and that's why we tend to repeat themselves frequently, to force us

to lend intentions and confront the dream ... These recurring dreams are trying desperately

to tell us something, and it is precisely why we tend to take the form of nightmares, to

make them take note and we pay special attention.

The presence of recurrent dreams in our night is quite common and are often caused by a

specific situation of our daily life or for any problem that comes back to us again and

again. Its recurrence is not fixed, they can use daily, weekly, once a month ... but

whatever its frequency, there is little variation in the content of the dream itself, and

often point to some personal weakness, fear or some any inability to fix something in our

lives, whether current or past.

However, of course, and as mentioned at the beginning, there are recurring dreams of an

enjoyable, beautiful. Some people have the ability to build your own in a dream world, and

can explore, find friends there, etc. Some argue reach into different worlds, and others say

they are memories of old dreams that help create a new one, but more importantly, these

dreams can be a very interesting to know oneself.


  1. in my dream i was a gangster...
    i took money from someone to kill a soon as i moved out of the building...2 people came shooting on me...i took rest of a pillar to save myself...they kept shooting
    first i thot dat they r the one whu's killing contract i had taken but den i remembrd that they were the elder brothers of "jatin" whum i killd n they came to kill me...
    that guy jatin exists...i have hit him was a gang fyt kind of thing...he was humiliated...n went...
    he iz the ex of my gf...
    n when i told her about this dream she said he has 2 elder brothers who r gangsters...
    what does this mean...?
    pls reply on my email id...""
    help me plz

  2. I use to have a dream(about 2,3 years dreaming the same thing) that I lived in ancient village, they didn't wear much clothes there. It was topless and something small on bottom.
    In the dream it always about someone naked being carried to Someplace, with cheering and chanting from a crowd from the village. I use to have this dream over and over , i would laugh about the naked part(iwas a kid). i remember laughing and laughing. Then one day, I was the one being carried naked and I would wake up before Something happened.
    I didn't know what it was, so i focused my thoughts on this, I wanted to know what was happening. One day in the dream I managed to make a the dream last longer to see what happened to me. I was being killed, like sacrifice. i finally found out what the dream was about, my laughter stopped and death was the final answer. After the realization happen the Dream stopped forever. WAs this a past life, it seems like i was once part of this community.

    1. email me at if you have time. thanks, i'm illuminated girl
