Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dream interpretation on dream of teeth breaking or falling

Dreams where your teeth fall out are very common and there are several interpretations depending on the person and situation. Teeth represent security in ourselves - are symbols of happiness (smile) and appearance. To dream that their teeth fall represents his fear of looking ridiculous in real life. It lacks the confidence to perform a specific task and is concerned that others will laugh at you. In dreams teeth represent power - use them to chew, break, chew ... In this sense, if in his dream fall or break, means that in real life feel, that others can not hear your opinion on a particular topic or interest. Maybe he's in a situation or relationship that makes you feel insecure. Must regain self-confidence, and learn to express their views and ideas with greater determination. Moreover, if you dream that your teeth are filling cavities and break, means you must take care at work. Some offer another interpretation of this dream - that the dreamer with rotten teeth or broken regrets having told a lie or calumnidad.

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